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What are you after?
Tell us more
I want to:
Have more leads
Have more qualified leads
Improve customer service
Get more data on my customers
Improve employee communication
Improve employee development
Improve risk management
Ensure compliance
Improve the digital image of the company
Your company is involved in:
Business to consumer (B2C)
Business to business (B2B)
Your company's online presence is:
Very important
Getting more important by the day
Not yet that important
We only have a website and that's it
Your company’s data on customers is:
Very good because we talk and listen to our customers
Good but we could listen better
Mediocre because its’mainly related to order and invoice data
We deliver our products and services, we’re not after knowing our clients
Your company’s interaction with employees encompasses:
Collaboration tools (e.g. Teams, Sharepoint, Slack, Jira, etc.)
Regular e-mail newsletters
Your company currently supports development of employees by offering:
Training courses
Personal development tools
Assessment tools
The main risks of your organization are in:
Know your customers
Know your suppliers
Data privacy
Environmental, social, governance (ESG)
Contract management
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